Frequently Asked Questions About DVD

by Kilroy Hughes
Future Media Systems
May 20, 1996

This FAQ is presented "as is" and the views expressed in it are those of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by The CD-Info Company, Inc. Please direct any comments, corrections or suggestions to Kilroy Hughes, the FAQ's author.

Author's Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is unofficial information from public sources and possibly bogus personal opinions. It does not necessarily represent the official specification or plans of the DVD Consortium, and none of the information was written subsequent to disclosure under NDA of the official specifications.

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What is DVD?

DVD stands for "Digital Versatile Disc". It includes products and software that will be built in conformance with a specification being developed by a consortium of the largest computer, consumer electronics, and entertainment companies. The intention is to create a range of compatible products based on a new generation of the Compact Disc format which provides increased storage capacity and performance, especially for video and multimedia applications.

What is the current (5/20/96) status of DVD specifications?

Preliminary Release:

It was just announced that the specification for video applications, referred to as "Book B" will be released designated as version 0.9. There has been delay and reported disagreement between factions in the Consortium over issues such as copy protection and regional release control for video movies that have prevented agreement on a final 1.0 spec. Choosing to issue a preliminary specification could indicate that some companies intend to launch computer products that are not dependent on movie industry agreement, or just optimism that an agreement will soon be reached. The original plan of releasing products for Christmas '96 has been seriously jeopardized by the delay, and companies are forced to decide right now if they will have product at Christmas or wait for a consensus spec.

Undecided Specs

The Physical Layer and File System portions of the specifications seem to be well determined. These apply to Book A, DVD-ROM; Book B, DVD-Video; and Book C, DVD-Audio. In the case of DVD-Video and DVD-Audio, there is also an Application Layer specification which defines the software application and the functions built into video and audio players. The video application layer is the current area of disagreement. The audio disc application layer is in early discussion phase, and will probably receive low priority until video and computer products are successfully launched. The audio portion of the DVD-Video spec is not in question. The DVD-Audio disc format will be something new which uses the large DVD disc capacity for a higher audio quality level than present audio CD's (for all those people who want 90 dB S/N at 30 kHz, I guess).

Spec Availability

The specification is available from Toshiba for $5,000, and the execution of a very stringent non-disclosure agreement. Licensing arrangements have not be announced yet. For CD-Audio, license fees were paid by disc pressing plants, equipment manufacturers, and software developers who purchased Red Book specifications. Mail me if you want the information to order specifications. Return to top

What specifications are there for DVD?

Books & Layers

There are five DVD "Books", labeled A through E pertaining to different applications. They are: Book A, DVD-ROM; Book B, DVD-Video; Book C, DVD-Audio; Book D, DVD-WO (Write Once); and Book E, DVD-E (Erasable or re-writeable). There is also discussion of DVD-RAM, which falls under Book E, but implies a very high degree of re-writeability, like MO and phase change drives, and would be intended to function like a removable hard disc.

Disc Data Format

The disc data format used for books A, B, and C is called UDF Bridge, which is a combination of "Micro UDF" and ISO-9660. The "Universal Disk Format (tm)", or UDF(tm) specification was created by OSTA, the Optical Storage Technology Association as an implementation of ISO/IEC 13346 standard. It defines data structures such as volumes, files, blocks, sectors, CRC's, paths, records, allocation tables, partitions, character sets, time stamps, etc.; and methods for reading, writing, and other operations. It is a very flexible, multi-platform, multi-application, multi-language, multi-user oriented format that has been adapted to DVD, and made backward compatible to existing ISO-9660 operating system software. Actual utilization of this disk system on DVD discs will depend in large part on what Microsoft dictates as the operating system standard. Movie players are supposed to use UDF, while computer applications will use ISO-9660 until UDF support becomes universal.

Video Standards

The video standards being used include MPEG-1 (ISO/IEC 1117-2) and MPEG-2 (ISO/IEC 13818-2), with quality levels ranging from fixed rate MPEG-1 at 30 fields per second at a resolution 352 x 240; to variable bit rate MPEG-2 at 60 fields per second at a resolution of 720 x 480.

Audio Standards

Audio standards include MPEG-1 (ISO/IEC 1117-3) stereo, MPEG-2 (ISO/IEC 13818-3) 5.1 and 7.1 surround, and Dolby AC-3 5.1 surround and stereo ProLogic. Linear PCM at up to 24 bits per sample and 96 ksps in stereo is also specified. Audio sampling rate for MPEG-2 and AC-3 is defined as 48 ksps, not 44.1 ksps as in MPEG-1.

System Layer Standard

Multiplex streams conform to the MPEG-2 System Layer specification (ISO/IEC 13818-1). The average bit rate assumed for a movie with three sound streams is 4.69 megabits per second. The DVD format transport stream can deliver a variable bit rate of up to 11.08 megabits per second of user data containing up to 10.08 megabits per second of content and navigation data. Return to top

"What DVD products are planned?

Movies then Computers?

The introductory product for DVD was supposed to be movie players introduced by several manufacturers around Christmas '96. They are intended to cost from $500 to $750 and be supported by at least two-hundred movie titles. Shortly after that, DVD-ROM drives for computers are supposed to be released, costing anywhere from $200 to $500 for a basic drive; and an additional amount for a computer board to do MPEG-2 decompression, or built-in MPEG-2 electronics that will allow a DVD-ROM drive to be moved to a TV and used as a movie player. At this point, the movie player launch for Christmas time is questionable, and might result in an earlier DVD-ROM launch, possibly for Christmas. Unit sales estimate from manufacturers for DVD-ROM drives range from 25 million/yr (Philips) to 50 million/yr (Pioneer) in the year 2000.

Other Disc Players

There have been various PR announcements saying that Sony Playstation, Matsushita 3DO (M2), Philips CD-i, Apple Pippin, Sega Saturn, etc. all "plan" to come out with a DVD version of their existing CD systems. Some have qualified this by saying "once DVD is successfully launched", which can be interpreted any way they want, but is likely to take one or two years. Pioneer even has a Laserdisc/DVD player planned (at about the price of two separate players).

New Products

"Entertainment PC's", such as the Destination PC, could be another important product type for DVD. These are anticipated devices that would combine elements of today's multimedia PC's with platform video games, "net computers" for internet access, interactive television set top boxes, and DVD video and music players. An associated trend for all these video oriented products is a move toward the TV monitor, while at the same time the "TV" is likely to go through major changes as it adapts to becoming a digital video display device resulting in new product possibilities. TV limitations, such as poor text display, have been impossible to overcome because of the design of the analog broadcast standards (NTSC, PAL, SECAM). Digital input monitors can use methods common in computer displays, such as field buffering and progressive scanning to eliminate flicker, interpolated pixel doubling to display at 1440 x 960 non-interlaced pixels; and new display technologies such as flat panels and micro-mirror projectors to make both small and large displays more effective.

Small Products

Another product area is based on the small size and large capacity of the 3 inch (80 mm) DVD disc. It has a 1.4 gigabyte capacity (2.6 gigabytes dual layer), and will be re-recordable in the future. The small size and cost could lead to its use in various portable devices and appliances, in preference to memory chips or hard drives. Return to top

"Who is controlling DVD?

The Consortium

The DVD specification is controlled by a group of ten companies referred to as "the Consortium". These companies are some of the biggest consumer electronics, TV, computer, and entertainment companies in the world, typically in the 50 billion dollar a year business volume range. Their accumulated annual budget is comparable to the US government, so their ability to bring DVD to market is formidable. All the companies are Japanese, except for two European companies and one American company. They contribute patents and other technology to the design and implementation of DVD, agree to conform to the standard, and receive a share of the licensing revenue that will be collected by an administrative entity to be designated by the consortium.

Who's Who

The leaders of the group have been Philips and Sony, who developed and licensed the Red Book Audio CD format; Matsushita, who joined Philips and Sony in the development of the White Book Video CD format; and Toshiba and Time Warner, who focused on the needs of the movie and home video market. Pioneer is also important as the main manufacturer of existing analog laserdisc technology. Hitachi, JVC, and Mitsubishi are also included. Thompson/RCA/GE is also a member now, and has already made over 2 million MPEG-2 decoders for its DSS receivers. A year ago it looked like there would be two formats and a battle in the market place that would leave nothing but losers. At this point there is a rocky agreement to agree on a unified standard that would best serve the needs of all the companies and all the markets.

Industries Involved

It is worth noting that this group represents most of the world's audio CD, TV and VCR manufacturing, with the notable exception of some Korean companies; while the standard setters of the computer industry, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, and Apple are all absent, but do have a technical interchange committee that has been a strong influence. Representation of communication companies is also lacking, such as Telcos, Cablecos, DSS, Netscape, etc., and these companies are probably viewed as competitive content delivery providers, rather than partners in some vision of a network friendly DVD player/set top box using the TV for the full range of anticipated multimedia applications. Nintendo and Sega, from the platform video game world, are also absent. Return to top

"What is DVD's capacity?


The storage capacity of a single sided, single layer, 120 mm (5 inch) DVD is 4.7 gigabytes. This is often equated to 133 minutes of movie play time, assuming 3 audio streams and an arbitrary video quality/bit rate of 3.5 megabits per second. It is made from two .6 mm thick substrates (discs) bonded together to form a disc that is equal in size to a standard CD. If the second substrate is molded with information, the capacity is doubled to 9.4 gigabytes (probably requiring a manual disc flip for full access). The manufacturing methods for single layer discs, both single and double sided, are very similar to standard CD molding, with the addition of special equipment for the Laser Burner Recorder and disc bonding.


A second layer can be recorded on either side using optical techniques and a photo-resin on top of the molded layer. A 120 mm (5 inch) dual layer disc has a capacity of 8.5 gigabytes on a side, for a maximum of 17 gigabytes. An 80 mm (3 inch) dual layer disc has a capacity of 2.6 gigabytes on each side, for a maximum of 5.3 gigabytes. The manufacturing method for the second layer is different from standard CD molding, using UV cured resins and partially reflective/transmissive materials. The simplest method, for single sided dual layer discs, is to bond two pressed substrates with UV resin, with one data surface coated with standard reflective material and the other with partially transmissive material. The other method is to coat a finished data surface with UV resin, press it, cure it, and coat it with partially transmissive material. The materials and tolerances for dual layer discs are very stringent, and the playback equipment must discriminate between reflections from the top and bottom layers that are not much different in intensity. It may be a while before dual layer discs become common.


The nominal constant linear velocity of a DVD system is 3.5 to 4.0 meters per second (slightly faster for the larger pits in dual layer), which is over 3 times the speed of standard CD, which is 1.2 mps. The nominal transfer rate for application data of a DVD system is 10.08 megabits per second, about 7 times the base rate of 1.4 megabits/s (172 kBps) for Mode 2 CD-ROM, and about 8 times the base rate of 1.2 megabits/s (150 kBps) for Mode 1 CD-ROM. The increased transfer rate is made possible, in part, by pits size of .4 micrometers and track spacing of .74 micrometers that are both about half that of standard CD-ROM. These can be read because of the use of a visible red laser (650 or 635 nanometer wavelength), instead of the longer wavelength infrared laser used for standard CD (780 nanometers). This change of laser wavelength has the unfortunate side effect of making all the existing CD-R discs unreadable on DVD drives (manufacturers are coming out with CD-R 2 recordable CD's for existing CD recorders that have dyes which will work in DVD players and standard CD players). Return to top


The data format for DVD Video discs allows for one video channel, but a large number of Program Chains that can access it in various ways. There can be up to 8 audio streams that can be up to 5.1 channel's each of AC-3 or MPEG-2 audio (or 7.1 if MPEG-2), or linear PCM and MPEG-1 stereo can also be used. Subpicture data, which are four color graphics that can be used for subtitles, menus, etc., can be included in up to 32 channels which the user or title can select to play one at a time. There can be up to 99 title sets on a disc, with up to 999 Part_of_Title segments. A typical combination of a 3.5 megabit per second MPEG-2 movie, three sound streams at 384 kilobits per second, and a few subpicture channels adds up to about 4.7 megabits per second and results in a play time on a single sided disc of about 130 minutes; which is supposed to be sufficient to hold 95% of the movies made. Return to top

"What capabilities does DVD-ROM have?

System vs. Disc Specs

At this time, there are two separate applications for DVD; DVD-ROM and DVD Video. DVD Video describes the disc, the data format and contents on the disc, and the play back system. DVD-ROM only describes the disc and its format. The data and playback system are open to infinite variations, for good and bad. This is very analogous to existing audio CD's (also Video CD and CD-i), which are system specifications; and CD-ROM's, which are only a media specification. The advantages to a system specification are evident in the fact that over 600 million CD audio players have been sold, and ten Billion discs: They are cheap and all those discs work on all those players. The advantage of a media specification is that it can immediately replace other media in computer applications, and it is flexible enough to adapt to the rapid evolution of computer equipment and applications.

Storage and Movies

The basic capabilities that DVD-ROM brings are a large storage capacity, from 4.7 gigabytes to 17 gigabytes; a fast transfer rate, about 8 times the nominal standard for CD-ROM (which is actually common for new CD-ROM drives); and the potential for faster access speed and layer to layer access jumps (CD-ROM's will also improve in this area with the introduction of constant angular velocity drives with 80 ms random access). Additional optional capabilities include duplicating any or all of the DVD Video player's capabilities with add on hardware or software. Some manufacturers have planned to sell MPEG-2 and Dolby AC-3 decoding boards for PC's. Others have planned to build the circuitry into DVD-ROM drives, or make dual purpose portable DVD-ROM/DVD Video players. These plans are based on the assumption that someone is making DVD Video discs, and people will pay to play them on computers. At this point it isn't definite when those things will happen.

Existing Computer Apps

However, it is certain that there will be another ten million computers capable of playing MPEG-1 video sold this year, and most new machines will have the processing power to play MPEG-1 video in software from now on. DVD gives these existing PC's the ability to play hours of MPEG-1 video at a high bit rates, which results in very good video quality, "CD quality" audio, and backward compatibility to the thousands of Video CD's which exist (a few hundred in the US). The difficult development process for DVD Video format using variable bit rate MPEG-2 encoding, multi-stream multiplexing, cross platform porting, and emulation testing may convince developers and publishers to wait a while before committing to MPEG-2 titles. DVD-ROM titles are likely to contain the same old media types we are used to (AVI, QuickTime, WAV, etc.), with an increase in the amount of MPEG-1 video, which is made easier by DVD storage capacity and speed, and the anticipated high performance of newer PC's that would tend to be used with a DVD-ROM drive. Return to top

"What capabilities does DVD Video have?


One intended capability is wide ranging compatibility. DVD players should be able to play any video disc on any TV system, PAL or NTSC, 5:4 screen or 16:9 screen. Players are also supposed to be compatible with Audio CD's and Video CD's. Other CD formats, such as Photo CD, CD-i, Sony Playstation, 3DO, etc. will be the option of the manufacturer. The intention is to appeal to users by combining the functions of presently separate audio and video entertainment machines (VCR and Audio CD) into a single entertainment player that can play the existing discs. It also takes advantage of the trend of integrated TV/multichannel audio "home theater" systems, which combine the audio and video presentation systems, and are ready for multichannel sound.


DVD Video is designed with international compatibility in mind. It is capable of eight audio tracks (although this would use over 3 megabits/s of the disc's bandwidth, leaving no space for normal video), and 32 "subpicture" tracks (used for subtitles, menus, etc.); which can be used to put several selectable languages on each disc.

System Standard

The DVD Video spec (Book B) describes the disc, the data format and contents on the disc, and the playback system. The advantages to a system specification are evident in the fact that over 600 million CD audio players have been sold, and Billions of discs. A standardized system is cheaper to manufacture because all models are similar and designed to do a limited number of things as simply as possible; and they all work using any disc with any player. That is in contrast, for instance, to the current situation with CD-ROM's on PC's, where the majority of new titles don't work on the majority of existing computers. The DVD Video specification is in flux right now with at least some of the universal compatibility, that was a feature of CD Audio being sacrificed for the business interests of the movie studios. At the least, there is a different audio encoding standard for NTSC countries (Dolby AC-3 5.1 surround), and PAL/SECAM countries (MPEG-2 audio 5.1 and 7.1 surround). There will probably also be playback limitations based on geographic regions and possibly date that will prevent discs from playing at a place and time that doesn't conform to the movie studio's release schedule. Return to top

Adjustable Aspect Ratios

For maximum compatibility with different content material and display monitors, every player has the ability to select aspect ratios to best fit the monitor and video material being watched. Most movies have an aspect ratio (width/height) of 1.85, and some anamorphic (which means, like the human visual field) wide screen movies have aspect ratios of 2.25. Standard TV programs and TV sets have a ratio of 1.33 (4/3) (...and 640/480 computers do also). There are new TV's with 16:9 screens (aspect ratio 1.78) that can display a standard size movie by chopping 2% of the width off each side. In other countries than the US, these wide screen TV's are becoming common. More than 30% of the TV's sold in Japan in the last year have been wide screen. For standard width TV's or any TV showing an anamorphic movie, the options are to "pan and scan", squeeze, or "letter box" the movie. Squeezing looks silly, with everyone looking twelve feet tall. Pan and scan will work the best sometimes because it can fill the screen with objects of interest, such as peoples' faces; but it has many problems, like when people are standing a distance apart in the movie and one of them doesn't fit into your picture. DVD has special provisions to contain "center of interest" coordinates to tell the player how to crop the picture dynamically if you select to view the video in pan and scan mode. If you select letterbox mode, the scan lines are combined together so that every 4 lines results in 3 and a 360 line movie is displayed on the 480 line visible screen. There is a loss of resolution with a smaller image and an unused band of black above and below the picture, but the original composition of a 1.85 movie remains intact, and it is the best way to view most movies shot outdoors, or with crowds, or with good photography.

Advanced TV Displays

Advanced TV displays will be possible using the digital output from DVD Video discs. For example a DVD-ROM drive with decoder can supply digital video data to a display system that buffers both fields and uses a high refresh rate and progressive scan for the display, or directly addressed pixels in a flat panel or micromirror display. Increased resolution by line or pixel doubling is also possible using calculated interpolation and scaling such as many computer displays use to display full screen images from small MPEG or AVI videos. DVD provides a path for continuous improvement of video display quality that has been lacking with fixed analog systems or the monumental task of switching the broadcast system to a new HDTV standard. Display improvements will enable the TV to handle many applications that have been restricted to computers such as those that require lots of text display. Return to top


The interactive capabilities of DVD players are limited to menus with a small set of navigation and control commands, with some interesting functions for dynamic video stream control, such as seamless branching (which can be used for playing different "cuts" of the same video material for dramatic purposes, censorship, etc.). Commands can be imbedded in the video stream and menus, but there is no real programming capability like a computer, or memory access (other than a few registers), or rendering capability for cursors, text or graphics. The user interface is limited to number and arrow buttons on a remote control, with the main GUI being four color "subpictures" overlaid on video or video stills with the ability to step sequentially through menu selections which highlight when selected. Because it lacks a cursor to select an option by pointing, or find subtle "hot spots" which respond with text, animation, audio, etc. when touched; and because four colors are inadequate for pictures, the DVD interface is mainly designed for numbered text on a menu that you select with number buttons ... just like TV channels!


It is possible to construct "computer-like" applications with logic branching and pause for user input. This could be used for simple training and other applications. For example, a disc could play a video segment and ask a question, pausing on the last frame. A menu could be displayed consisting of a few numbered answers created with a subpicture overlay. When the user picked a number or the menu timed out, the selected menu command would play the associated PGC (ProGram Chain) which defines a sequence of video to play, which could be remedial, or "on with the course" if the answer was correct.

Function List

The following is a quick description of most of the other interactive and control functions of the DVD player. There are 16 General Parameters available to the title to store information, like scores, book marks, user information, calculations, or menu selections. Three types of still play are provided for, including paused video frames at the end of a PGC, or the end of any Cell in a PGC (like a slide show), and a Video Object Unit still which is a still picture not encoded as motion video. Navigation commands include simple arithmetic, Button Commands (up to 36), GoTo, Link, Jump, Compare, Set General Parameter, Set System Parameter. There are 24 System Parameters that store specific data like audio, video, and subpicture stream numbers, timers, language and country codes, camera angle, and "Parental Level" for censorship. There are several Scan functions; by time, video sequence (backward or forward), and by branch. Discs are organized into Title Sets, Part_of_Title (which can be scenes, songs, chapters, acts, innings, etc.), Program Chains, and Video Objects. Return to top

Video Segments

Program Chain Information Files (PGCI) are lists of pointers to video streams, and also contain embedded commands. Normally PGCI's are played sequentially, but they can be played in random or shuffle sequence (like songs on a CD player). The video segments addressed by a PGCI can be accessed at the GOP (Group of Pictures) level, can be non-contiguous and non-sequential, and may be contained in part or in whole in other PGCI's. This is possible to a limited degree based on the player's "seamless jump" capability. Seamless video jumps can be made within the limits determined by the size of the track buffer, which holds the User Data coming from the disc at 11 megabits per second, the Variable Bit Rate of application data, which draws data from the buffer at up to 10 megabits per second, and the maximum seek and spin latency time that will not cause the track buffer to run empty and cause a video error, which is a function of the disc layout and drive mechanics. Video Title Set Information includes control data such as a Time Map Table, Part_of _Title pointers, and Menu and Title Attributes. Display attributes include fade, scroll, transparency and highlighting, and are used for presenting menus, captions, and graphics.


Rapid frame rate play of subpictures allows a crude form of prerecorded animation playback. The four on screen colors of a subpicture are selected from a palette of 16 contained in the PGCI. They are designated Foreground, Background, Emphasis-1, and Emphasis-2; or the emphasis colors can be used to provide a crude level of antialiasing. Subpictures can be up to 720 x 480 (NTSC) resolution, but they must have a run length encoded size per line under 1,440 bits and fit in a 62 kB buffer. The data structure of a subpicture includes a Display Control Sequence Table (SP_DCSQT) that controls the presentation of the pixel data with any number of Display Control Commands (DCC); and subpicture content, color, contrast, and position can be changed as often as every video field. The subpicture system is perfectly designed to scroll movie credits and do captions in 32 languages that defy embedded rendered fonts (consider a font generator for 10,000 Chinese characters ... in 17 different styles.); as opposed to producing multiple video versions in each language for titles, credits and captions. Return to top

"What is MPEG-2 video?


MPEG-2 video conforms to the ISO/IEC 13818 specification for encoded video data and the multiplexed stream containing audio and other information. The emphasis for the DVD movie player is on high quality, 720 x 480 (NTSC), 60 field per second video encoded from 24 frame per second film using variable bit rate encoding that avoids compression artifacts on difficult sequences by using higher bit rates, and reduces bit rates for the easy sequences, typically averaging around a 30% reduction in bandwidth and storage capacity compared to fixed bit rate. The video standard for DVD is actually very flexible and allows for fixed bit rate encoding, MPEG-1 or MPEG-2, and lower resolutions like Video CD resolution of 352 x 240. MPEG-2 video is used in other systems such as satellite broadcast video and interactive video over phone lines, but these implementations do not conform to the DVD video spec, which is a subset.


Both MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 rely on discrete cosine transform intraframe encoding followed by interframe and motion prediction encoding. The amount of computation required for standard DVD MPEG-2 video decoders is the equivalent of multiple Pentium computers, encoders require several times more. MPEG-2 encoding systems presently cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Specialized encode and decode processor chips are required to supply the calculation speed. At present MPEG-1 decoding in software is possible on newer Intel CPU's used in PC's. In the future, faster CPU's with MMX very long instruction word integer processing may be capable of doing MPEG-2 video decoding in software, but for now specialized decoder chips are required. This means that today's computers with a DVD-ROM drive added won't be able to play DVD movie discs, unless an MPEG-2 and Dolby AC-3 video and audio decoder board is added to the PC or built into the DVD-ROM drive. However, MPEG-1, AVI, QuickTime , and other media formats will play from the DVD-ROM as though it was a very big 8X CD-ROM drive.


The playback quality of DVD video can be as good as a D1 master tape, but it depends on how much bandwidth is used to encode the video, and the nature of the source material. Since motion prediction and interframe encoding use 16 pixel square macroblocks for calculations, inaccuracies in encoding result in visible macroblock outlines or rapidly changing patterns, sometimes called "mosquitoes" in areas that should be a solid unchanging color. Image sequences of many small random changes require the most bits to represent, and certain regular patterns will make errors more visible. Film is a good source because it is high resolution, low noise, and usually has only 24 non-interlaced frames per second, which allow more bits to be used to encode each frame, compared to 30 frame per second sources. Video sources recorded in component formats, like D1, Digital Betacam, DVC and Beta SP give the best results, with digital formats generally being better. Some digital compression or processing used in recording or editing creates changes in the video that may not be visible, but cause major problems in MPEG encoding due to many small changes that the encoder tries to encode. Similarly, noise or analog distortions such as ringing or saturation on a video tape will consume large amounts of bandwidth and lower the relative quality. Return to top


Encoding variable bit rate MPEG-2 video is much more complicated and expensive than more common MPEG-1 encoding. MPEG-1 audio/video can be encoded and multiplexed in one pass in real time, which allows compressionists to make fine adjustments to optimize the encoding while they observe the results. MPEG-2 requires multiple passes to encode the video, additional slow passes on each audio stream, storage of many gigabytes of elementary streams, editing all streams for synchronization, mapping program chains and jump points, an authoring process to create several types of video objects, subpicture streams, display and navigation commands, etc., and a multiplexing process to combine all this data into a single complex stream. An emulation system has to be used to play the resulting multiplex stream, or a disc can be mastered and replicated at a pressing plant. This process may take a week or more, and if there is an adjustment required, some or all of the process will have to be repeated to see the result.

DVD Video Recorders

DVD recorders might speed the disc development process by acting like a quick pressing plant for check discs, but they would only be capable of recording from an existing premaster image made from the multiplex stream described above. Book D on DVD-Write Once is considering a 3.9 gigabyte recordable disc. This would be significantly different than a 4.7 or 8.5 gigabyte disc and would be of limited value in performance testing before production. The prospect of a real time "DVD movie player format" recorder is not on the techno-horizon because of the multi-pass nature of variable bit rate recording, and the authoring and multiplexing required. A simplified, fixed bit rate, linear video DVD recorder could be made, but even with MPEG-1 encoding it would probably cost over ten thousand dollars for the next couple years: Hardly likely to take the place of VCR's or $500 CD-ROM recorders. The most common use for DVD-WO recorders will probably be as computer data recorders for DVD-ROM discs, because any encoding, authoring, and data formatting can use existing PC formats, and precise disc layout is rarely a concern on PC's because their real time performance is inconsistent from one system to the next that close tolerance real time disc performance is rarely relied on anyway. Return to top

What audio formats are used?

Many Options

The standard calls for all DVD Video discs intended for countries using NTSC format to use Dolby AC-3 2.0 or 5.1 channel surround sound at 48 ks/s (5.1 refers to a center channel, left front and rear, right front and rear, and a low frequency effects channel, or sub woofer, which rates "point one"). Discs intended for PAL/SECAM format must use MPEG-2 or MPEG-1 audio format at 48 ks/s with 2.0, 5.1 or 7.1 channels (MPEG-1 stereo data is contained in MPEG-2 streams). The other non-required audio format in each case can be used in addition, but this can be a practical problem because of storage space and bandwidth limits. Either type of disc can also add a linear PCM stereo audio track with a sample rate of 48 ks/s or 96 ks/s, with 16, 20, or 24 bit samples, not to exceed 6.144 megabits per second. Each five-channel stream uses a bandwidth of 384 kbit/s; if all eight streams were used for multichannel recording of sound tracks in different languages or both audio standards, 3 mbit/s would be consumed, and not much left for video. It is possible for a maximum of seven voice tracks in different languages to be recorded separate from a music and sound track multichannel stream. It may be possible for voice streams to be recorded at 64 kb/s in mono, or at 128 kb/s in stereo and mixed during playback based on the user's selection. The resulting bandwidth consumption would be reduced to as little as 832 kb/s (for center channel mono).

Pick a Standard

It remains to be seen if players will be equipped to play back both formats or discs will be made with both formats. It is possible that the two different audio standards will effectively create two incompatible types of DVD disc. (Compatible NTSC/PAL Video CD's have been used for years. The biggest problem is the loss of about 50 lines top and bottom when a video designed for PAL only playback is played on an NTSC TV.) This audio standard incompatibility may be the result of the established position of Dolby AC-3 and Dolby ProLogic in movies in the US, or the desire of movie companies to keep their product from showing up in PAL countries until they release it there. Any computer that has MPEG-1 playback will be able to decode stereo from any MPEG stream. A computer will require an add on processor to decode AC-3, and special provisions to mix 5.1 channels into a stereo signal.


Digital audio outputs will be standard on DVD players. Both coax and optical outputs in IEC-958 format, similar to DAT and some CD players, will be normal. Amplified speakers will be particularly attractive for new systems, because a single cable can be run past all the speakers, and they can tap the correct signal for their position. Most existing audio/video amps that are built for stereo and ProLogic inputs won't be able to handle 5.1 or 7.1 amplification. Another capability that some amplified speaker systems may have is to adjust the time delay for each speaker to adjust for room and placement variations. This is a small part of the difficult task of recording, mixing, and reproducing five or seven channel sound so that it reproduces the original acoustic environment of the source, or creates some kind of coherent three dimensional experience. Return to top

How does the DVD disc differ from a CD-ROM?

Similar, but Different Discs

Aside from increased DVD storage capacity that results from tracks that are half as thick and pits that are half as long, DVD's have a multilayer capability defined that allows a second partially transmissive layer of slightly smaller capacity to be printed on top of the CD like reflective data surface. The laser reader is designed to adjust its focus to either layer depth so that both of them can be quickly and automatically accessed. It is also possible to print the other side of the disc to double its capacity because it is made from two platters of half thickness that are bonded together, resulting in the same dimensions as a CD disc. A shorter wavelength laser is used to read the smaller geometry, but special lenses are used to give the DVD reader the ability to read pressed CD's also. At present, the DVD readers won't be able to read CD-R discs because the different laser wavelength is not reflected properly by the CD-R dyes in use now. New CD-R blanks with new dyes will solve that problem in the near future.

Similar, but Different Applications

Beyond the physical properties of DVD discs, there are differences in format and data. DVD's use a disc format called Micro UDF Bridge Format. This format combines a new, very flexible adaptation of the UDF or Universal Disc Format (tm) with PC CD-ROM's disc format, ISO-9660. While the data format in files on DVD-ROM's is undefined, like it is on CD-ROM's, Book B of the DVD specification defines a DVD Video Disc application, and consequently the characteristics of a DVD Video Player. These DVD Video discs are very different than CD-ROM's, but similar to Video CD, CD-i, Audio CD, and CD-ROM XA in that they all contain multiplexed data streams that must be delivered in real time, three of these formats multiplex audio and video, and two of them use multiplexed MPEG streams, just like DVD. While DVD-ROM and DVD-Video discs are physically similar, the process of authoring the DVD-Video disc multiplex stream is very different than copying a PC application's files to a premaster tape to make a DVD-ROM.

Backward Compatible

The good news is that great effort has gone into making the DVD-ROM drives backward compatible. That means you can buy one knowing that you will be able to at least play the existing CD format if new DVD-ROM's don't show up in big numbers any time soon. The alternative in buying a new drive is to get one limited to the old CD format and possibly find that it is obsolete soon because the software you want is only on DVD. The biggest glitch for now is that any of the existing CD-R discs aren't backward compatible on a DVD-ROM drive. Another question is what level of performance DVD-ROM drives will have playing a CD disk. The playback performance of a DVD Video disc is defined, but the speed it plays a CD-ROM (6X? 8X?) is not. The spin rate required for DVD purposes is only about 3X, because of the higher pit density, so high speed CD-ROM playback may be an extra cost. Return to top

What software will be available?


The focus on software has been movie discs intended for DVD Video players. Time Warner has publicly stated that they intend to have 250 movies ready for the launch of the players. Other movie/TV studios such as Sony, MCA, MGM, and Turner have said they will release DVD's also. Disney is one important home video studio that said they won't, because of concern over copying. Paramount may hold out because of their connection to Blockbuster. The issues that might hold up the movie software are lack of copy protection and regional release control that the studios think is satisfactory. Whatever is done with movie players to add those protections seems to be bypassed by DVD-ROM drives that can do anything under software control, even read the raw data from the disc to make copies. The computer industry isn't willing to subject computer peripherals to the control of the movie industry, so agreement has been hard to come by, the specification has been delayed, and movie software will be delayed until some agreement is reached.

Money fer Nothin'

The kind of movies that are targeted for DVD may be different than the tape rental business. Tape rental and cable are mainly used for one time presentation of new releases at some time delay after their theatrical release. The hope for DVD is that discs will be purchased like books and music CD's and watched several times. The studios look forward to issuing "classics" from their back catalogs, assuming that people will have some number of movies they've seen in their life that they think are important enough to own, and that new content and interactive features will make it more attractive for people to watch movies more than once. The idea that people will buy the discs is also supported by the fact that video tape sales will be about $15 Billion this year, with eight tapes per average buyer.

Knitting Movies

The production process for DVD movie discs is relatively long and difficult at this stage of development. A 16:9 film to video transfer and a virtual pan and scan version have to be produced for this high resolution medium (in PAL and NTSC). This is an esthetic process, not just a mechanical one, which requires directors and producers and time. Multiple multitrack audio mixes may be needed. Dialog may need to be translated into several languages and caption graphics made. Interactive features have to be designed and tested. New content, special edits, parental control versions, interviews, background information ... many elements in addition to the mechanics of MPEG-2 encoding, disc authoring and mastering will slow the release of movie discs. The tendency will probably be to release simple linear movies for a while before attempting to routinely use some of DVD's more interesting capabilities. Return to top

Shoveling Software

In the computer world, DVD-ROM software should arrive by the shovelfull. Any PC files can be stamped on a DVD-ROM by copying them to a tape and sending them to a pressing plant. Existing software will play on existing PC's from a DVD-ROM drive just like a 8X CD-ROM drive, with the main difference being a larger storage capacity. This makes MPEG-1 software work particularly well because there is plenty of storage for the large files, there is plenty of bandwidth to use high bit rates and get excellent video quality, and encoding and decoding on PC equipment is becoming widespread and inexpensive.

Cinemascope Computers?

DVD-ROM's using MPEG-2, including movie discs, present problems for PC playback. Most DVD-ROM drives bought will probably not have MPEG-2 video and AC-3 audio decoding built in, and none of today's PC's will be able to decode it in software. Over the last few years, only a half million MPEG-1 boards have been sold for PC's. It is unlikely that large numbers of computer owners will buy expensive MPEG-2 decoder boards so they can watch movies in six channel surround sound on small computer monitors. It is unlikely that computer software developers will go through the great expense, limitation, and difficulty of making MPEG-2 DVD's that will play on movie players, unless a very large installed base develops quickly. If they rely on MPEG-2 video on a DVD-ROM (only) disc, they will have a very small number of computer owners who can play it back. If they use MPEG-1, there are about 10 Million computer owners who can play it (IF the computer owners buy DVD-ROM drives). On the other hand, software released on CD-ROM will play on the small number of DVD-ROM drives sold in the next couple of years (some estimate 2 million), and also on the 65 million CD-ROM drives estimated to be in use world wide at the start of 1996, about 38.7 million of which were bought during 1995. Return to top

How about recordable discs for DVD?

CD-R Problem

Unfortunately existing CD-R discs won't play on DVD players because of the different laser wavelength used for DVD. In the near future, CD-R 2 blanks will become available which are supposed to work in existing recorders, CD-ROM drives, and DVD-ROM drives.


The prospect of a DVD video recorder is very unlikely in the existing DVD Video Disc format. A DVD-WO (Write Once) is planned under Book D of the DVD specification, and prototypes have been demonstrated. These would be data recorders with a capacity of 3.9 gigabytes per disc. They would function like today's CD-ROM recorders. Several manufacturers have said that they think their DVD-WO is a couple years away from product introduction. Pioneer says they plan to sell a DVD recorder in the middle of 1997. A potential competitor for digital video recording that is much cheaper than recordable DVD is a digital video cassette recorder. They are sold now in cameras, complete with "firewire" digital I/O, and could replace the VCR, record digital video sources like satellite, DVD, cable, etc.; use cheap tape, and do most of what DVD is likely to be used for on playback (Don't forget how laserdisc vs. VCR came out).


Another DVD product in planning, covered in Book E, is DVD-RAM, which is a disc and drive with a tentative capacity of 2.6 gigabytes that can be rewritten many times. If the cost of these DVD recordable products is high, they may have a slow rate of acceptance because there are cost effective write once and rewritable products available now. (For instance, an Apex disc holds 4.7 gigabytes of rewritable storage with hard disk access and transfer performance, for about $1,500. What will it cost in two + years when DVD-RAM is ready to compete with it?) Philips and other manufacturers are planning to release rewritable CD-ROMS in early '97. A compelling advantage for DVD-WO would be a large installed base of DVD-ROM drives that could read the discs, and a low cost for blank media. That only becomes important when storage requirements regularly exceed the capacity of CD-ROM discs. Return to top

What are the options for DVD-ROM developers and publishers?

Format Choices

Developers in the CD-ROM area are faced with the option of publishing on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM formats; and if they chose DVD-ROM, will they try to go cross platform with a disc that will play on DVD Video players?


One likely publishing opportunity will be bundleware that is sold with DVD-ROM drives and decoder boards. It is a familiar mode that has been developed for CD-ROM, 3D and MPEG-1 (etc.) hardware. The hardware manufacturer has to supply some software that works on his widget, or the buyer will be greatly disappointed. This may lead to some challenging software intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the medium, paid for by the manufacturer, but never likely to be profitable on the basis of units sold during the startup phase of DVD.

Data Formats

Any publisher who hopes to sell DVD-ROM's to the largest possible market will have to include MPEG-2 and AC-3 as just one option, if at all, because most DVD-ROM drive owners won't be able to decode it. Including any video in MPEG-1, either in addition to MPEG-2 or instead of it, would open up the potential market for a title to most of the DVD-ROM owners (assuming they have newer computers with MPEG-1 decoding, which is likely).

Competition from CD-ROM

Any of the CD-ROM's in distribution now could be put on DVD-ROM, but there would be no need to do it because the CD-ROM's would already play on the DVD-ROM drives. Any publisher who released a title on DVD-ROM would also need to sell it on CD-ROM to reach the majority of the market, so why not skip the DVD-ROM version. Since the CD-ROM would play on the DVD-ROM player, the main reason to publish the DVD-ROM in addition would be if the title exceeded the capacity of a CD-ROM disc, and it was cheaper or easier to use one DVD disc than multiple CD discs.

What Forest?

Another area that gets surprisingly little attention is music. Just consider that there have been 10 Billion music discs sold (multiples of the CD-ROM industry), 600 Million players sold, and every music performer has lots of promotional music video's they've spent thousands on, but won't get a nickel for. What do people buy and want to own, not rent? What do they play over and over? What is the largest application in the world for MPEG-1 players? (Hint: It starts with a "K" and ends with a hangover.) Return to top

How are DVD Video discs authored?


Authoring for the DVD movie player is a very different process compared to most CD-ROM authoring. It involves porting to an isolated playback device, a DVD player, which does not have computer-like storage and access to allow native development and testing. It also relies on data combined in a multiplex stream of synchronized digital video and audio, and other data and commands that behaves as a real time system combined with the disc and player. Playback of content in development can be simulated with media files prior to multiplexing using MPEG and AC-3 decoders, mastered and pressed onto a DVD disc and played in a player, or emulated by a computer and hard disk imitating a DVD drive and disc and connecting to the electronics section of a real DVD player. The process has some similarities to authoring for video game platforms, CD-i, and Video CD; but it is very different from most CD-ROM authoring, which just copies a working application to a CD-R without porting, complex real time multiplexing, or emulation.

Post Production

From the start, a DVD Video production should plan for the interactive and display capabilities of the medium. A 16:9 aspect ratio transfer to video may need to be created. A virtual pan & scan version of that needs to be designed using "center of interest" coordinates to control the 4:3 viewing window. Special cuts need to be edited for different rating levels (PG, R, etc.), and the sound track "dealt with" in some way that allows for occasionally dropping chunks of the video in edited versions, or making interactive jumps to other video segments. Multichannel audio needs to be scored, Foleyed and mixed to fit the various program chains and their timing and spatial layout. Note: Truly innovative interactive video would have to start with the design and production stage in order to capture various points of view on camera, create alternative plot sequences, etc. for nonlinear story telling, games, performances, or things that haven't been thought of yet.

Media Capture & Compression

The MPEG-2 video encoding process involves working to a bit budget at the start that will tell you how much bandwidth can be used by clips as they are encoded. Variable bit rate allows the compressionist to make judgments about which segments will require more or less bandwidth so that the highest quality is achieved within the storage and bandwidth limits. Allowance must be made for interactive jumps also because they will effectively require a couple megabits per second of additional bandwidth (it is actually a function of the disc layout, drive mechanics, and a player's track buffer, but the net effect is a reduction in the allowable bandwidth). Encoding is a two pass process where the video is analyzed first to establish the encoding parameters, and then the video is captured, compressed, and recorded to a big hard disk, typically 9 gigs, through a RAM buffer. The audio process is more automatic, but it make take several times real time to software encode on high speed workstations. Hardware encoders for MPEG-2 and AC-3 will improve this situation in the future. A two hour movie could easily take several days to encode, preview, adjust, and re-encode. Return to top

Interactive Elements

Menu elements consisting of still pictures, video stills, subpictures, and supporting data structures and commands need to be created. Data needs to be created and formatted for Video Manager Information, Video Title Set Information, Presentation Control Information, Data Search Information, etc. Commands can be embedded in menus, subpictures, Program Chain Information files, and video objects that include; Goto, Link, Jump, Compare, Set System Parameter, Set General Parameter, etc.; and presentation control commands to control object contrast, position, highlight, color, etc. These elements are created and combined within an authoring system to implement a navigation map and user interface that will hopefully operate the built in programming of the DVD Video player when a disc is eventually manufactured.

Media Layout

The audio, video, and subpicture data has to be edited to correct lengths and synchronized like a multitrack recording, in preparation for multiplexing into a single data stream. The various streams are mapped into channels that match the navigation commands, menus, etc. so that the interactive program can properly access them. Program Chain Information Files (PGCI's) need to be constructed similar to edit decision lists (EDL's) to describe the various "virtual video clips" that are playable from the encoded video content. All Jump Points combinations need to be taken into account so that only legal jumps are possible based on the disc layout and maximum allowable jump time. Title Sets, Part_of_Titles, Cells, Video Object Units, and Time Map Tables all need to be designated or created.

Simulation Testing

As the media files are prepared and a layout created, it is necessary to use simulation testing to verify that the presentation is acceptable. Simulation testing involves using a method of presentation that is different than a DVD player to approximate the playback result that will be seen with the DVD player. It may be possible to simulate functions such as navigation, user interaction, and timing based on the authoring information accumulated and simple MPEG or AC-3 decoding of the elementary media streams. At a minimum it is important to be able to simulate synchronized audio/video playback so the content of the disc can be validated or re-edited and re-encoded.

Stream Multiplexing

The multiplexing process combines the various media streams, video objects, data objects, and control commands into a single data stream that will be eventually wrapped in a disc file structure and burned onto the disc master. This multiplex or transport stream is like the score of a symphony orchestra, the actual performance where a bunch of incoherent bangs and toots come together to make Mozart. Return to top

Emulation Testing

Emulation testing uses a computer set up to imitate a DVD disc drive and disc using its hard disk. A disc image is created on a hard disk by a long complex computer process to resemble the layout of an actual disc. An in-circuit emulator wires into the electronics of a DVD reference player to approximate as closely as possible, the performance of the actual disc that would be made from that transport stream still in the computer. An emulation program is started, and the title played through the DVD player. This may be the first point at which an accurate evaluation can be made of the interactive aspects of a title. If something isn't right, it might be necessary to go back to the post production or (heaven forbid) production stage and do it all over again.


The final authoring step is to create a pre-master tape using the multiplex stream that has the correct format for the pressing plant. The pressing plant will apply certain disc formatting as the contents of the tape are fed into the Laser Burner Recorder (LB.), which makes the master disc.


Replication involves multiple stages that create one or more stampers that are used to injection mold substrates, or print UV resin layers on multilayer discs. After the two substrates are possibly printed and definitely bonded, you have a DVD disc that can be tested..


Since an emulator may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and require engineers to operate, it is not likely that it will be used for much user testing. Since extensive user testing will rely on DVD players and pressed discs, any bugs or needed improvements found at this stage will required repeating some or all of the process, which might take weeks to produce another disc. Did I mention that this is harder than CD-ROM? Return to top

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